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Showing posts from December, 2012

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb

I think I maybe made a big mistake. The sister company I had worked for, prior to retiring, asked me to come back to work. Actually I offered, because they were having some personnel issues, and I knew I could help, but they were very willing to accept my offer. Anyways, before starting work, a preemployment physical was required. So I took the opportunity today to go, thinking it wouldn't be very busy, and it wasn't. The entire process, which consisted of filling out some forms, a drug screening, and cursory  physical took just about an hour. No problems, or so I thought. It turns out, because of my CABG, the doctor would not or could not release me for work as a metallurgist, which essentially requires me to sit for long periods of time, taxing my brain. There is no physical exertion required, except for the occasional trip to the bathroom. But instead of the release, I was given a note which I have to give to my primary care physician, cardiologist or oncologist (I'm not

OK, so I have a phobia

I have an aversion to taking pills. Whether it be medications, or just your ordinary vitamins and/or supplements, I have this built in resistance to taking them. It hasn't always been that way. There was a time I took a myriad of vitamins and supplements, thinking it was necessary for good health. I had even been known to take the occasional antibiotic, aspirin, ibuprofen, or other over the counter medications when necessary. But then I was diagnosed with MCL, and my life changed forever. I didn't think it possible. I had done everything right, ate right, exercised, didn't smoke, took vitamins etc. Or so I thought. It was after a lot of research, I came to the conclusion (arguably) it was likely the indiscriminate taking of vitamins, supplements etc. that was a contributing factor in my diagnosis. So I quit "cold turkey". No more vitamins, supplements or over counter the medications. I've even resisted taking prescription medications. (Just not always successf

8 hugs a day is all we need

Dr. Love says so! This is an amazing TED Talk on Oxytocin, Trust and Morality. It's only 15 minutes long, but we'll worth listening to. Who knows, it might even make you feel better about things. I know it did for me!

Oxycodon Withdrawal

If there's one thing I've gained from this entire ordeal, it's a much greater appreciation for the trials and tribulations of drug addicts. For me it's been just over 4 days since my last Oxycodon, after only being on it for around 2 months, but the desire to take another pill still exists. While the severity of the symptoms of Oxycodon withdrawal I've been experiencing, i.e. abdominal cramps, chills, body aches, runny nose, etc. have subsided some, they have not gone away yet. And while some of that may be psychosomatic, it's still not hard for me to imagine how difficult it must be for someone addicted for a much longer period of time, or on a greater quantity to kick the habit. I even have a new found sympathy for Rush Limbaugh. It's not that the Oxycodon was so instrumental in relieving the tightness and discomfort in my chest, because it wasn't. [Although I'm starting to have some doubts.] It was because the Oxycodon provided a feeling of well

29 hours

That's how long I've been off the Oxycodon, and while the pain is not intolerable, I know I could be feeling a lot better right now after just one 5 mg tablet. My concern is I don't want to become addicted, which is a huge fear I have (there's even an Oxycodon addiction website  I just came across with counselors ready to talk), nor experience any of the myriad of side effects associated with this drug, but neither do I want to feel uncomfortable all the time. It's been 7 weeks, and I am making progress. I've managed to get the dose down to 2 to 3 per day, from the 5 to 6 per day I was taking the Oxycodon about a month ago, but I'm wondering if it is normal to still be needing it. Shouldn't I start seeing some more improvement by now? So in an attempt to avoid, or at least delay taking another Oxycodon, I thought I would just vent a little here, in the hope someone, besides the countless number of spammers who have been inundating me with spam comments l

US Health Care Unmasked: A true story

A friend is admitted to the hospital. He was experiencing shortness of breath and chest pains extending down his arms. Obviously the signs of a heart attack or an impending one. Doctors do a complete work up on him. He's diagnosed with mitral valve stenosis and needs a valve replacement [maybe 2]. One problem is his kidneys aren't functioning properly, a possible complication of his diabetes, which is causing some concern to the doctors. Anyways, there's a lot of discussion amongst the doctors, and it's decided his condition isn't urgent. So he's sent home to recover, under a nurse's monitoring, until his kidney function improves, and his condition can be further evaluated. So now that I've set the stage, you can pretty much forget everything I just mentioned, because it's what comes next that is so disturbing. Upon my friend's release, he's prescribed a number of medications, one of which is a blood thinner, Lovenox, although the name of dr

Nothing ever seems to go right anymore

After all the warnings about not over doing it, not exercising too much, taking it slowly, I still end up hurting myself. I didn't think I over did anything yesterday. I deliberately kept my pace down on the elliptical at the gym, limiting my max heart rate to 114 bpm, and only going for 35 minutes, Afterwards, I went for coffee with the gang, and then to a gathering of friends for some food and wine, without experiencing any ill effects. It wasn’t until several hours later as I was sitting in front of the TV, that I realized my knee was hurting. At least if I knew what I had done to cause the pain, I might be able to rationalize the feeling of despair away, but I can't. I didn't do anything, and it's pissing me off! Of course I don't know why I'm so surprised. This is just another setback in what has been a series of setbacks recently. Starting with the weather (which is always an issue for me this time of year), coupled with the continuing pain in my chest, al