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My Last Post (????)

disappear-from-the-internetFirst it was my Facebook page, then it was my smart phone, and now it's the Internet

I read in the latest AARP magazine, if you want a job you need a presence on the Internet. You need a Facebook account, Twitter account, Linked in account. etc. If you don't have a presence, your resume will likely be tossed.

Say what? I can understand wanting employees to be competent in the use of a computer, and adept at navigating the internet, but requiring someone be connected to one or more of the myriad of social media networks. That's just not right!

The use of the internet has grown too far, expanding far beyond its original intent, which was to ensure an unbroken line of communication during times of war, and morphing into something far more sinister. Some might even consider dangerous.

The internet has managed to integrate itself into the very fabric of our society, and is being used by all the worlds governments and large corporations, to gather information about all of us with the sole intent, of controlling and influencing every aspect of our daily lives.

I don't see any good coming from that, and it's something I don't want to be a part of. I've never been a conspiracy theorist, but the more I learn about the capabilities of the Internet, and the dangers to our privacy, the more I find myself heading down that road.

The one problem I see is quitting the Internet is a lot easier said than done. Like so many others, I've let it become an integral part of my life. I use the Internet to communicate. I use it to pay my bills, and keep track of my finances. I use it to shop. I even use it to spill my guts to the world. Plus it is a great source of medical information, which in my condition is important.

Besides, it's not just the internet the government, and others, can use to keep track of you. There's also your cell phone, and even your TV viewing habits, among other things.

So while all my efforts may end up proving fruitless, and largely symbolic, I am of the opinion any effort to reduce your Internet footprint is a worth while one.

How I achieve that goal, I will largely make up as I go along, but for starters, no more Linkedin, Twitter or other social media accounts, and I plan on getting rid of most of the email subscriptions I have. My blog will stay, who knows maybe someone will gain some useful information from it some day. I will just be a lot more cautious what I post.


Alan said…
You're fighting a losing battle. Why bother?
Marc said…
I think I implied that to be the case. What I was trying to convey was the necessity for caution.

Big brother is watching!
Marc, I have had the same thoughts but I don't know that an EXIT strategy is possible anymore. So, alas, we are all left captive to the "Attention Age" of the Internet zombies. You and I joined the club some time ago and I would hate to be left alone in this vast wasteland. In fact, your presence here gives me much solace. Don't forsake me now brother and fellow lymphoma survivor! Actually, the Internet and social media are a lot like television. Pick the channels and programs you prefer and don't tune into the others.
Marc said…
Yeah I know. The internet has managed to intertwine itself into the very fabric of our society [our lives]. Getting rid of it would be akin to cutting out a vital organ in our bodies. It just can't be done without creating far worse consequences.

I don't know the answer, other than to proceed with extreme caution. Although even that may not be enough. 1984 is only a few years away.

Becky said…
Big Brother? What happened to Rollerball? :-)
Marc said…
Yeah, well, uh, corporation's are already in control. They're just able to better disguise their use of the internet, and other methods of surveillance through subterfuge, and the purchase of political favors.

It will become more evident as time passes.

I just hope they're not reading this blog!

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