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OK, so I have a phobia

I have an aversion to taking pills. Whether it be medications, or just your ordinary vitamins and/or supplements, I have this built in resistance to taking them.

It hasn't always been that way. There was a time I took a myriad of vitamins and supplements, thinking it was necessary for good health. I had even been known to take the occasional antibiotic, aspirin, ibuprofen, or other over the counter medications when necessary.

But then I was diagnosed with MCL, and my life changed forever. I didn't think it possible. I had done everything right, ate right, exercised, didn't smoke, took vitamins etc. Or so I thought. It was after a lot of research, I came to the conclusion (arguably) it was likely the indiscriminate taking of vitamins, supplements etc. that was a contributing factor in my diagnosis. So I quit "cold turkey". No more vitamins, supplements or over counter the medications. I've even resisted taking prescription medications. (Just not always successfully.) And I've been fine every since, at least as far as my MCL goes.

Now whether that's a rational fear, or not, is certainly up for debate, but at least in the case of vitamins and supplements, I am convinced that fear is justified. I've even expressed my concerns about that many times before. But is my fear of taking prescription medications also rational?

I sure hope not, as since my diagnosis with coronary artery disease I've been taking a beta blocker (Metoprolol) and a statin (Lipitor). It's just that I've been trying to come up with some reasoning to not take them, to the point I may be starting to piss off my doctor(s). (Something I don't think is such a good idea.)

There is no rational reasoning behind my fear, but my best explanation is a fear of becoming one of those people who carries around lists of medications, and is always being concerned with the time, so as not to miss a dose. It makes me feel old, and I don't like that feeling.

Stupid I know, logical of course not. Still it exists none the less, but for now I have resigned myself to continue taking the Metoprolol and Lipitor until something changes or I can come up with a better excuse.

[note] That's especially in light of the fact my heart rate got to 90 bpm last night, without any exertion (blood pressure was low), and I was having some intermittent, pinpoint, throbbing type chest pain which I'm not convinced is angina pain (it occurred in my upper left chest area), but.........[/note]


Alan said…
Your HR got up to 90 last night probably because of the anxiety caused by your probably insignificant chest pain. (anxiety releases cathecholamines which increase your HR).

Stop worrying and over thinking so much.
Marc said…
I can't help it. It's in my nature. :(

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