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When is enough, enough?

Today I learned, Lance Armstrong, the most drug tested athlete in the history of sport, is being accused of doping, again. This time by the US Anti Doping Agency (USADA), who claim they have
collected blood samples from him in 2009 and 2010 that were “fully consistent with blood manipulation including EPO use and/or blood transfusions.”

Really! What took them so long? The French have been trying to make allegations of drug doping stick for years, ever since he won his first Tour d'France, but to no avail. And now the USADA claims to have evidence to support that claim, and they've waited almost 3 years before releasing this evidence.

Needless to say, I am skeptical.

Then there's this from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO):
Increasing the federal excise tax on cigarettes by 50 cents per pack eventually would increase Medicare and Social Security spending, slightly.

Eventually? What is the CBO suggesting here? That we should encourage smoking, because if we don't, in the long run (by 2085) the cost of Medicare and Social Security will increase slightly? If that's their concern, why don't they just advocate killing everyone who is sick, and/or over 65. That will not only reduce the burden on society in the short run, but at the same time maybe even help the economy by increasing funeral home spending. (I wonder if the tobacco industry had any influence in this study?)

When are we going to quit trying to blame people/patients for runaway health care costs, instead of focusing it on the system, and the people who benefit from maintaining [and encouraging] such a distorted, unfair health care system.

I don't know about the rest of you but it's hard for me to maintain a positive attitude, when so many people, in influencial positions, seem to have their priorities set in the wrong place(s).


Mike Foxworth said…
Looking to finite human beings, especially politicians and elected officials, for virtue and wisdom is fraught with peril and pitfalls, if not utter futility. Those we elect to office will do what gets them re-elected (or until their term limits expire) and then they will more than likely become lobbyists because they can't do anything else.

Not much solace for those of us who expect better government and better results, but then we could live in Russia, Greece, Egypt (this list is long) and yearn to become an American! In the end, things are not so good here, but not so bad either.
Marc said…
Sure, when compared to Egypt, Russia and Greece the US comes out ahead, but what about when compared to Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Denmark (the list is long as well), how do we do?

Sorry Mike, I don't buy that line any more!
Rebecca said…
I have a book about secular societies (like Sweden, etc) and statistically, the more secular a society, the better the health care programs were for their citizens. Even rehabilatation for criminals and educational programs for drug addicts, which I found rather interesting because I thought or have been programmed to think :-) would be the other way around. Maybe that's a small part of our problem here.
Marc said…
Well, I've always believed religion to be the root of all evil!

You should only have to think about the latest conflicts occurring throughout the Middle East and Asia now, to come to that realization.
Mike Foxworth said…
The argument of "religion as the root of all evil" is not factual or sustainable, and a crutch for those who neither understand religion or evil. Evidence:

Well-known atheists ...

-- Adolf Hitler- Killed11 million people including 6 million jews. Not including the deaths in WW2.
-- Joseph Stalin- Killed 60 Million of his own citizens not including more deaths in WW2
-- Mao- Killed 50 Million of his own people
-- Kim Sung Il- Killed 1.6 Million North Koreans
-- Mussolini- Killed 300,000 Ethiopians
-- Kim Jung Il- Killed millions in Famine

Famous tyrants with "religion" ...

-- Saddam Hussein- Killed 600,000 of his own people.
-- Jeam Kamanda- Killed 800,000
-- Mullah Omar- Killed 400,000
-- Ivan the Terrible: 200,000
-- Richard Nixon- on his orders killed 70,000 vietnamese and cambodians
-- Trujillo- 50,000 Dominicans
-- Fidel Castro- 30,000 Cubans
-- Lyndon B Johnson- on his orders to kill 30,000 Vietnamese who were suspected to be enemies
-- Osama Bin Laden- 3,500 a big chunk were Americans.
-- George W. Bush- is Responsible for 1.6 million deaths including US soldiers, and Iraquis, afgans
-- Barack Obama- Responsible for 800,000 deaths so far!

To help amplify one's understanding of the ability to reason, I suggest: "Why Smart People Are Stupid" :
Marc said…
WOW Mike, you sure did your research here. Maybe I over stated my beliefs somewhat

Admittedly there have been many tyrants that have reigned terror on the world for a myriad of reasons, not necessarily related to religion, but when I look at current history, and think about the direction this country, especially the Republican Party and its disciples, is taking, coupled with the conflicts in the Middle East and Asia, I can’t help but think religion, and the strict adherence to it (and attempt to impose those beliefs on all of society, plays a large [huge] part in perpetuating that turmoil.

Just my opinion!
Mike Foxworth said…
Two apologies to those involved in this comment stream for this post. Excellent comments, by the way, and this is the type of "conversation" every blogger would love to generate. Congrats to Marc for starting the discussion.

Back to my apology: 1) I am not an apologist for all the damage done in the past, now, or in the future by any extremists, religious or otherwise.

2) There is much truth in the viewpoint of those who are turned-off by religious zealots and self-rightous bigots, of which the world has an overpopulation, both inside and outside of circles of faith. Yes, the hypocrites are too numerous to count.

But I serve a God who loves hypocrites and He calls them human beings. Romans 3:23 "... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.." I recently amplified that message with a post to one of my blogs :

More than finding fault with others, the epilog for one of my comments (“Why Smart People Are Stupid” : was meant to bring attention to how all of us form a particular bias as a groundwork for developing our opinions and beliefs. Really, we can't truly understand anyone unless we first understand ourselves. Whether it be politics, religion, nationality, creeds (just any preference), we all have a right to our own opinions, but if we want to achieve community in the fellowship with others, if we want to build bridges of understanding, we must first learn to know our own intentions and motivations. Be careful about painting anyone into a corner, you may find yourself cornered in a pool of wet paint!
Marc said…
Thanks mike for the compliment, but you really need to thank Becky for leading this discussion in the direction of religion. I was just trying to point out two things which got under my craw, for whatever reason, which I didn't think pertained to religion. I usually leave those discussions for posts on my blog at the Daily Kos.

But to clarify my position, I am not against religion per se, nor anyone's right to believe what they want to believe, if that's what makes them happy. My only objections are with those who believe their beliefs are sacrosanct, and then try to impose those beliefs on everyone else, without any regard for the beliefs or feelings of others.

That's when dissension occurs, and seldom does any good come from that.
Mike Foxworth said…
Thanks, Marc, Becky, et al. I share your objections and concerns. Some of my best friends strongly hold and speak opinions different than my own and that makes this MCL survival journey a lot more interesting. Keep up the mission of helping all of us think about what's important.
Rebecca said…
Adolf Hitler was brought up in the Catholic faith and never publicly renounced his faith. And he wrote about his faith in Mein Kamp. However, he was also a NON smoker and we all know they cannot be trusted. :-)

Kim Sung thought he was a god. The birds sang with human voices the day he was born.

Mao may have killed between 40 to 70 million of his own people, (some were mass suicides) but he also implemented a health care program that doubled the population of China (in his lifetime by 350 million)

Mussolini worked WITH the Catholics church (which basically ran Italy). He had his children baptized in the church, was married in the church, and made swearing illegal and promoted women stay at home which coincided with the Churches’ teaching.

To list communist leaders as examples of the evils of Atheism is like stating oxygen is the cause of all fires!

Just my humble opinion.

Oh and Happy Birthday, Marc!!!!
Marc said…
Mao.................. also implemented a health care program that doubled the population of China

So that's the reason Republicans are so against health care reform. The US couldn't handle that big a population increase.

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