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Desperate measures

At least some of you know I'm not a fan of alternative treatments, or supplements of any kind. Few if any None have shown to be effective by any legitimate clinical research. In my opinion they are just scams designed to separate gullible and desperate individuals from their hard earned money. But I've also never criticized anyone for trying them.

Ok, so maybe I have criticized the lengths some people will go in their use of alternatives treatments. I can certainly understand the desperation of some people, but when I read a post such as the one below, from one of the many lymphoma/leukemia message boards I subscribed to, I can't help but be reinforced in my belief of the lunacy and the futility of it all, as well as the potential danger.
Dear List Members,

I receive[d] my shipment of Essiac tea and made my first batch.

The taste is like bad coffee--not too bad. With this particular formula, you consume the grounds along with the tea. Since the teas is pulverized into fine powder, this is not a problem at all.

I started with the recommended dose of 3 oz 3 times a day.

That's comes to about $128/month. By comparison, I spend about $25 per month on green tea, but at least it doesn't taste like bad coffee. Plus I wouldn't put it in the same category as this garbage.

Anyways, he goes on.
After two days, the lymph nodes in my neck increased in size very dramatiically and painfully. Plus new lymph nodes were popping up under my arms. I found the lymph node enlargement alarming since they rarely ever change size and when they do, not by much.

Lymph node involvement has been present since the beginning albeit at a low level of enlargement. Then I found myself waking up in the middle of the night with the lymph nodes in my neck hurting like hell. I should point out that the nodes on the left side were much more pro- nounced than on the right. The pain would only subside once I got up, and moved around. I'm not much into prescription pain killers and really had nothing on hand to dull or extinguish the pain which was quite severe.

This has continued every night since. About the only thing that quiets the pain is to put a north facing magnet over the area and wait. Eventually, if I'm lucky, the pain subsides enough for me to go back to bed.

A north facing magnet! Unreal! I wonder if he has to sleep facing north as well? Well, if you think that really works, I've got some swamp land to sell you in Arizona.
My hematologist/oncologist has not seen me since this happened though I did have a blood test on Friday. Don't know the results yet.

In trying to figure out what happened, I came to a few tentative conclusions. Essiac is a powerful detoxifier and immune stimulant, particularly, stimulating b and t cells. I believe that the detoxifying effect temporarily overloaded an already clogged up lymphatic system and whatever garbage was collected had no place to go, and not enough fully functioning immune cells to clear away the debris, in addition to adding more lymphocytes to the overall load.

Oh yeah, I'm sure that's the reason. NOT!
The lesson here I believe is to go slow with the Essiac at first, depending on how advanced your leukemia is and how enlarged your lymph nodes are.

Is there a remedy, once the lymph nodes have reacted and are now painfully enlarged? I believe there is. It is a very simple, even elegant solution: rebounding.

I have started health bounces on my well-constructed mini-trampoline for 10 minutes at a time, 3 times a day and am already seeing improvement in shrinking the lymph nodes in my neck that are causing me so much pain. I don't have the expertise or the time to explain how and why this works. For the insatiably curious, I recommend you Google Albert E. Carter and go from there.

Bouncing on a trampoline is going to reduce the size of lymphnodes. He's got to be kidding.
Will post again when there is any new to report.

I can hardly wait, so I will have something else to write about.

And now that I think about it [and just so I get my US health care rant in for the day], could the reason people go to such extremes, be the result of our dysfunctional health care system, or is it just there are way too many stupid and gullible people in this country.


Becky said…
Sadly, if this weren't actually true it would be almost comical.

And why north with the magnet?
Becky said…
Hey, you have got to Google North facing magnets. They even have magnetic beds! Apparently my friends schizophrenic dad was really on to something when he placed magnets all over his body.
Marc said…
The really tragedy is when you consider the alternative, i.e. conventional therapy [AKA chemotherapy], you can't help but [almost] empathize with them.

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