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2009: Not a good year

The year started out on a high note [for me], with Democrats taking control of congress, and Barack Obama taking the oath of office of President of the United States. Finally we would see policies that would advance the plight of the middle class. Tax  policy would no longer disproportionately burden working families, and we would finally get some reform in the health care arena.

Or so we thought.

It soon became evident nothing good was going to come from this, as our politics and politicians became more derisive, and the political right fought tooth and nail to ensure the new administration failed in every regard, even to the detriment of society.

Then came the stock market crash in March, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached its low of around 6,500. Jobs were being lost to the tune of 500,000 per month, and talk of another great depression was spreading. Things fortunately didn't get that bad, and they have recovered somewhat, but the underlying problems still persist. High unemployment, and a continuing flight of our manufacturing infrastructure (the very thing that made this country great) to overseas markets.

In September, I learned the company I have been working at for the past 20+ years was being purchased by Precision Castparts Corporation, a much larger ($8 billion in sales) manufacturing conglomerate. And while the effects haven't been felt completely just yet, there is no doubt change is coming. We have seen some good changes so far, but there are bound to be some unwanted changes as well.

Oh, and I can't forget Sylvia, who had to be taken to the emergency room twice [by paramedics] once in November, and then again in December, the first time for what appeared to be a stroke, and the second time for congestive heart failure. She is doing better now, and is currently in a skilled nursing facility trying to regain her strength, so she can return home, and help take care of the cats.

And finally, as if all that wasn't enough, here I sit, after hurting my back on Christmas while making a sandwich, for a third straight day unable to go for even an easy bike ride. I haven't even ventured outside, since visiting family in Granada Hills on Christmas, nor even gotten out of my pajamas (lounge wear) since then. :(

Oh well, such is life. At least today I'll have to make an attempt to get dressed, as we have friends coming over for our usual Monday Night Football get together.

I can only hope 2010 will bring better times, and I'll be able to get back on my bike soon.


Becky said…
I'm sorry about your back, although I'm sure you won't take a muscle relaxer or something for pain, mine hurts too, if that is any consolation. And my jaw, as well. Yeah, the year has pretty much sucked, my husband and half my kids work in construction which has taken a hard hit with either layoffs, reduced hours or loss in benefits (Roger lost his insurance through work)

But I have my health, if I don't go stark raving mad first with John in the house over shutdown.
Gerry said…
Just remember it was going to be History in motion!
How big was that sandwich?
Marc said…
It's no consolation Becky, and it must have been a big sandwich.

I was hoping to get out on a ride tomorrow morning, as my back was feeling better, but it seems getting in an out of the car on my visit to see Sylvia, didn't do it any good.

Time to put some ice on it now!

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