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Who'd a thunk?

Lemons and tea go even better together than their popularity might suggest
To get more out of your next cup of tea, just add juice. A study found that citrus juices enable more of green tea's unique antioxidants to remain after simulated digestion, making the pairing even healthier than previously thought.

Lemon juice caused 80 percent of tea's catechins to remain, the study found. The study compared the effect of various beverage additives on catechins, naturally occurring antioxidants found in tea.

Results suggest that complementing green tea with either citrus juices or vitamin C likely increases the amount of catechins available for the body to absorb. Although these results are preliminary, I think it's encouraging that a big part of the puzzle comes down to simple chemistry.

Eating fish is good for you, especially if you drink lots of alcohol.
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are just that; an "essential" part of the total fat intake necessary for a healthy human diet.

A new study has found that men who binge drink have substandard intake of n-3 fats (omega-3), indicating poor dietary choices with negative long-term health consequences.

To make matters worse, the requirements for these nutrients actually increase with greater alcohol consumption.

For those who are binge drinkers or those who drink more than one drink per day on average: make sure that you obtain your sources of n-3 fatty acids in the diet, that is, eat more fish.

A small amount of dark chocolate eaten daily is enough to lower blood pressure
That’s what German researchers found when they fed about six grams of dark or white chocolate (equal to about 1½ Hershey’s Kisses) for 18 weeks to 44 middle-aged and older men and women with slightly elevated blood pressure. Those who ate dark chocolate had significant drops in blood pressure.

The above was courtesy of the Velo Allegro Oct-Dec 2007 Quick Release Newsletter.

It just goes to show you, good information can come from anywhere, sometimes even from unexpected sources.

Maybe Lance was right, It's Not [just] About the Bike.


vreni said…
Hi Marc!

I love this stuff! In my experience, many that have trouble with alcohol are fast oxidizers who need more fats in the diet, and particularly omega 3s. For example, those of Irish descent historically ate a diet very high in fish and seafood. The Inuit as well, consumed a diet high in fats and protein, and now a days are suffering as they come off their traditional diet. Alcoholism is frequent in this community. (Alcohol is considered carbohydrate). No question omega 3s can go a long way to eliminate cravings for alcohol. Too much sugar, flour products will increase alcohol cravings in the fast oxidizer population.

Although unfortunately not usually true for cancer, the root cause of many health issues is a biochemical imbalance in the body. Correct the imbalance, correct the health issue. Often the biochemical imbalance is caused eating inappropriate food for one's genetics. Once the person is eating according to their own biochemical needs, the health issues frequently resolve. That's why I love metabolic typing - it actually works!

Anyway, sorry to ramble. This stuff excites me.

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