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Time to come up for air

When I awoke the other morning I was all set to write about how my iron and folate levels were low. But then I thought, why do I continue wasting devoting so much time to maintaining this blog?

Not that many people read it, and besides, who wants to hear about the problems of others, even if some of them may be friends? I know I hardly ever read any blogs anymore, even of the people who I have links to on this site. I'm even starting to get tired of hearing about all my own problems.

There are too many other things I could be doing. I should be enjoying what ever time I have left, instead of dwelling on the negative all the time.

I know when I started this blog, I was on a mission to inform everyone of the problems with the US health care system, and how to ensure they got the most from their health care provider.

But that soon fell by the wayside, as it became all too apparent the US public, with a few exceptions, were happy with the status quo, and thinking the US had the best health care system in the world.

Well let me tell you, we don't! The problem as I see it ....................... Oye! There I go again. Why bother?

Like I said, I've got to start enjoying life, rather than focusing on the negative.

So for all intents and purposes, consider this my last post. The site will remain up, as I've already paid for the domain name, and web site hosting, for a few more years, and who knows, maybe someone will glean some information from it, or maybe get some sort of sadistic pleasure reading it.

I may even post something occasionally, if I consider it particularly relevant, or in the event it is too cold, or raining outside (which in southern California, seems highly unlikely anytime, at least in the foreseeable future), and I don't have anything better to do.

So until that time comes, Au Revoir, Arrivederci, Sayonara, Auf Wiedersehen, or just plain so long.

Oh, and if you still want to know what is going on with Edie and me, just call, email, or come and visit, or maybe even meet me on the golf course, or for a bike ride.


Becky said…
I don't think what you write about is negative as it has educated me. Just the other day I had a dr. appointment, he gave me a diagnosis, I went online (which I learned from you) researched his diagnosis and found out he was full of shit.

I made a few phone calls, talked with an organization, they told me what questions to ask and I called my HMO and I have received another appt. with another dr. This situation is not life altering, but what if it had been?

I wouldn't have done that in the past as I would have trusted my doctor's diagnosis. So you have taught me to ask questions and to be assertive about my health because,

"nobody cares more about my health than I do".

And I bet you I'm not the only one who has gained something because you were couragerous enough to tell your story.
Vreni Gurd said…
Hi Marc,

I'm sorry you've made this decision. I have always enjoyed reading your blog - I think your perspective is valuable, and the daily life aspect of it made me "get" what it is like to live with a major diagnosis better than trying to imagine what it might be like. I like the anecdotes about your bike rides, golf games, and yes, iron / folate levels or whatever. Your blog is about real life.

I can certainly relate to your disappointment with the views of your compatriots with respect to the US health system - that whole dialogue was an eye-opener for this Canadian!

Anyway, it also makes sense that life is too short to be spent doing something you no longer enjoy, but I do hope you will change your mind and keep posting, even if it is very occasionally!

All the best to both of you - if you are ever in Vancouver I'll go for a bike ride with you, but you would leave me in your dust! (Does Edie ride too?)

Vreni :)
Alan P, MD said…

So sorry to hear your ending this blog. I just started reading it.

I suspect the reason is that you're somewhat depressed (which is quite understandable considering what is going on with Edie).

I hope when Edie takes a turn for the better you will reconsider.

Hope to see you at the BBQ Saturday.
lmarsico said…
Hi Marc
Sorry to hear that too. I am new to your blog but in the short time that I have been on, I have become more educated on asking more questions, never leaving anything to chance or the doctor for that matter. Things have gotten a bit crazy lately with my dad's health so I have only been able to read the blogs but little time to respond. I do hope Edie is recovering and that you are well too.
I hope you reconsider.
Linda said…
My husband has MCL and I found your blog a few months ago. Since I found it I've been digging through your stories and learning so much.
I respect your decision to stop, and will miss this corner of the web, but I wanted you to know that I've appreciated your thoughts and discoveries.
All the best to you and Edie,
Marc said…
Thanks Linda, but as you might have seen already, I haven't stopped altogether. I will still post on occasion, but I just don't plan on spending so much time at it.

I had been putting pressure on myself thinking I was obligated to post something every 2 or 3 days. Now I'm just not pressuring myself like that anymore

All the best to you and your husband!
John Wagner said…

I am catching up as usual. I can absolutely relate to how you were feeling here. Initially I felt obligated to post, then I was just feeling burned out over the whole 'cancer thing.' I didn't read anything, including ACOR, or post anything for a long time. I think we just need a break sometimes, and with everything you guys have been going through lately, that is very understandable. I didn't think anyone read my blog until I put the counter on and I am absolutely amazed how many actually visit. I often read blogs without posting a reply. Anyway, I am very glad to see that you haven't stopped posting completely. I say post when you feel like it and don't feel guilty when you don't. Just know that there are many who do care about how you and Edie are doing and we learn some useful tidbits along the way.
Marc said…
Thanks John, but the thing about counters is they can be somewhat deceiving. I also have a counter on my blog (bottom of the left sidebar), which gives me all sorts of information including the time spent on the blog.

What surprised me was the number of hits that were for "zero" seconds. Just looking at yesterday and today, there were 27 total unique hits, but 14 of them (12 of 21 yesterday and 2 of 6 so far today) were for "zero" seconds.

I'm not sure for certain what that is, but my guess is it's various search engines just scanning for information.

Of course the optimist in me says 13 people actually did intend to read my blog. Hopefully they got something out of it.

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