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So what else can go wrong?

In the immortal words of Gilda Radner's father,
it's always something. If it's not one thing, it's another

Just when I thought for sure I would have my new bike today, there was a problem with the assembly of the bike.

The hole for the brake, in the fork, appears to have been drilled incorrectly, not allowing sufficient threads for the nut to attach to the brake bolt, and hold the brake onto the fork. At least it wasn't drilled correctly for a Campy Chorus brake.

It's just a good thing I didn't take it home last week, and try to assemble it myself. I really would have been frustrated, thinking I was doing something wrong.

Oh well, there's still a chance I'll have the bike on Thursday, but it might not be till next week.

Of course Becky knew right away, when I came back from lunch, that I didn't get my bike. I don't think it was so much the expression on my face, that led her to that conclusion, rather it was the fact that I barked at her a little, about another problem.

Fortunately she understands.  At least I hope she does. :)

Oh well, such is life. I've waited this long for the bike, I guess I can wait a little longer.


Becky said…
Becky always knows.
Vreni Gurd said…
Too bad! I think I am looking forward to your new bike as much as you are! Eager to hear when you get it, and what you think of it.

I've been putting off getting a new bike. Kind of nostalgic I guess, which is pretty silly, as my touring bike is ancient - I think I got it in about '85. Every part on the thing has been replaced at least once. And I certainly don't race like you do. I'll just be sad to get rid of a bike that has carried me around Europe, many places in Canada and well, everyday to and from work. But the last time I brought my blue bomber in for a tune-up the fellow said it would be cheaper to get a new bike, considering all the parts that are worn on it. I got the new parts.

Maybe this summer I'll get my old bike bronzed and hang it up in the condo somewhere, and finally get a new bike.

All the best,

Vreni (from
Becky said…
Oh, and she understands.

Rest up tomorrow. Did you watch Borat yet?
Marc said…
I can't imagine being nostalgic about a bike, although I will admit to recently finally getting rid of two old frames which I had sitting around the garage for whatever reason, I don't know.

But ever since I started riding seriously, about 1982, I have had 10 different bikes, that I can recollect (three of which I still use in one manner or another), but I'm sure there were at least one or two more that I can't remember.

And when something does go wrong with the bike, that is when I usually take the opportunity to buy a new bike, although that isn't the only reason, as in the current case.

How's that old saying go, so many bikes so little time?

Fortunately the same can't be said for cars!

Oh, and I haven't watched Borat yet. I plan on doing that today
Vreni Gurd said…
Hi Marc,

Yeah, your approach makes a whole lot more sense. I don't know why I am so reluctant to get rid of this bike. Especially since when i got the thing they didn't even make bikes for women, so it is a little long for me.

Maybe it's because I really don't like shopping much - doing the research and all. If someone just told me what to buy, then I would probably buy it ...

Hope you are doing well,

Marc said…
I'm not sure what you mean by "bikes for women." A bike is a bike.

Just don't buy a bike with the severly sloping top tube, that has been referred to as a "womans bike". They are of inferior quality. You can buy a compact frame, which has a slightly sloping top tube, but that's it.

Most bikes nowadays come from Taiwan, and typically have Shimano components.

Just go to any reputable bike shop, and don't spend less then $500 USD, and you'll be getting a decent bike.
Vreni Gurd said…
Hi Marc,

When I said "women's bike" I didn't mean one with the steeply sloping top tube. But they make them now with a wider saddle, a shorter neck stem and top tube that fit a woman a bit better.

My big decision would be whether to get another touring bike, or to go for a hybrid so I can go off road occasionally. I'm willing to spend a fair bit of money to get something good because I do ride a lot.

I like cantilever brakes, but I am wondering about those rapid-fire gear shifters versus the ones you turn on the handles. And with a hybrid, I worry that I will get tired of the hand position. Drop bars on a hybrid frame may be a good idea...

Anyway, fun to talk to you about bikes. Thanks for the opportunity.


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