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I've fallen off the wagon

I know I said I swore off political blogs, but with all the hubbub over John Edwards decision to continue his campaign for the presidency of the US, despite his wife's cancer relapse, I couldn't resist checking a few of my favorite political blogs, to see what their take would be on that decision. Besides I thought it relevant to my blog.

Not surprisingly, there were no surprises.

The so called "compassionate conservatives" were all expressing their distaste with John Edwards decision to continue his campaign, calling him uncaring, pathetic etc.

Just who are all those people presuming to know what they would do in the same situation, and then passing judgement on their decision?

They have no idea what it is like to be in John and Elizabeth Edwards shoes. Nobody can possibly know what they will do in that same situation, until they are in those same shoes.

And you can't put yourself in those shoes. You have to be put there.

Life doesn't stop just because you receive a diagnosis of cancer, even for a second time. Life still goes on! He knows it, and his wife knows it also.

Like John Edwards said, they could go cower in a corner, but would that be living? Not in my book.

And did anyone ever think how that would make Elizabeth feel, if she was the cause of John giving up on his dream?

Right now, she is still in good health, and the cancer is treatable. She could live a very long and vibrant life.

It really is no one else's business, especially when it is being used as political fodder in many cases.

And take that from someone who does know.


* said…
Sorry you had to expose yourself to that level of stupidity.

3000 years ago, the Pharaohs would insist that we push 20 ton slabs of rock to build 400 foot tall monuments to their immortality.

2000 years ago, Caesar could throw us in a ring with a trident and net and watch us kill and die for entertainment in the arena.

750 years ago, the Pope would have us drawn and quartered if we suggested a heliocentric universe.

250 years ago, everyone was hip to the divine right of kings, should we wish to assert our rights as men, we'd find our heads on a pike.

150 years ago, in this country, we could own and trade families, or conversely be owned ourselves.

50 years ago, in this country, a solid plurality of individuals believed, and instituted, apartheid. Those that took issue with this were met by horrible violence.

Today, 40+ million people are without access to affordable health care, and large organs of power are hell bent on keeping it that way.

Now I ask you, what is the similarity between all 7 epochs I cited above?

In each of those eras, there lived a type of individual who shrugged his shoulders, and said 'Eh, not my problem.'

They have been known by many names throughout history. Today we call those that are intellectually lazy, fearful of change, apothetic, and resigned to authority (regardless of how enlightened and just)...

Today, those people are known as 'conservatives.'

Edwards is one of many individuals these people are repulsed by. He pulled himself up, and is not hereditary (strike one). He represents potential change and benefit for others (strike two). And his ideas about socioeconomic equality, if not distorted by a very class-conscious media, would have widespread appeal to the 'unwashed masses.' This level of threat constitues strike three.

So, two weeks ago, Coulter called him a 'faggot.' Two days ago, the day before the announcement, Rush had a cute little ditty with an Edwards impersonator, calling him a woman. And now today, those without the strength to think for themselves, are ascribing an incredibly difficult personal decision to some sort of moral failing on the part of the Edwards family. Gotta give them credit for the hypocracy and chutzpah on that count.

On a positive note, people are taking note and asking questions. The pendulum doesn't swing, it moves forward, as evidenced by the fact we're not pushing a 20 ton chunk of rock up a ramp today.

Good luck to you. While neither I, nor my spouse, have had to fight terminal illness of this type, I have numerous people in my immediate family who have fought breast and other cancers. You and your struggle will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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