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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

I've noticed lately that I may have actually gone "over the top" as far as being obsessively compulsive. I have always had some compulsive behavior patterns, but lately I seem to be more aware of them. Hopefully that is the first sign which can lead to a cure. But do I really want to be cured?

One of my first compulsions started after being diagnosed with MCL. Within about a month of diagnosis, I decided to stop taking any medications or supplements of any kind, and that includes such seemingly innocuous items as aspirin or even a multivitamin. In fact I wouldn't even put some lotion on two mosquito bites, I received the other day, to ease the itching. I chose to suffer, in the belief that it was all the vitamins and other nutritional items I took prior to being diagnosed with MCL, that led to my diagnosis.

Then there is my obsessive need to drink almost two quarts of decaffeinated green tea (4 tea bags) a day. I've read that something in the green tea acts as an anti-oxidant to prevent cancer, or at least slow the advancement in my case.

Now how misquided or idiotic does that sound? I refuse to take any medication or supplements, because I think that may have contributed to my MCL, but I intentionally drink lots of green tea.

Then there is my obsession with cycling and golf. So far this month, I have put on 460 miles, and it's only the 19th of July. I do believe that it is the exercise that has kept my lymphoma in check. But lately I have been obsessing over my weight, which I have been continually stressing over in an attempt to lose an additional 15 pounds, which has made me want to ride even more than usual. Unfortunately I have been having a great deal of trouble losing those 15 pounds, because I also have this compulsion to eat everything in sight.

Now as far as golfing goes, I'm not sure I want to go into that, but if it wasn't for it being as hot as it has been lately, I would be playing or practicing everyday. Suffice it to say, I think about my game, even when riding my bike, and always anticipating my next round of golf.

So what does everyone think? Do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), or are these just normal obsessions that everyone has?


Becky said…
I think (and this is just an opinion) that perhaps because you have something that you have no control over you go a little overboard in the areas that you do have control over. Like depriving yourself of medication. If you focus on what you can control that which you cannot control doesn't take over and you win.

You're so competive.


Taking control is a much healthier attitude than just giving up or in. You're are cognizant that we all have an expiration date and you are intelligent enough to realize that you can pack each day with life whereas others merely exist.

Weather permitting, of course.

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