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Alternative treatment blowback

I received some interesting criticism the other day for my stance on alternative therapies.
I ......... cannot for the life of me understand why you would not use supplementation and then use an over the counter poisonous liquid which has proven liver toxicity. Especially while taking a statin.

She was referring to the use of an over the counter cough medication, I have been taking to help ease the symptoms of my upper respiratory infection.
I did this once and vow to never use it again! I have gotten off Lipitor by using Nicotinic Acid and getting much better results but still use COQ10 to protect Liver as you must do while taking Statins. If you are not using CoQ10, I urge you to research this issue. MCL reduces your D3 and should be taken everyday! I use 5000mgs a day.

I was sorta taken aback. She was partially correct. I'm against taking supplements, but when necessary I don't have a problem taking over the counter medication, when my ailments finally get the better of me. Plus I wasn't aware of any harmful effects attributed to taking the cough suppressant.

So I asked her to please provide me any research, indicating toxicity with the liver. Not surprisingly [at least not to me] her response was less than forthcoming. Instead , she just offered more of the same unfounded allegations.
When you are on a statin,  it effects your Liver. That's why you must have regular blood tests. Using that liquid just adds more to an already stressed liver.

I wasn't aware of that, and my doctor didn't mention that to me, nor did she indicate I needed to have my blood checked more often than what I am having done now [quarterly]. I since came across one report indicating toxicity to the liver when combined with very high doses of Dextromethorphan (the active ingredient in the cough suppressant I am using), but I couldn't find anything about its effects when combined with a statin drug, or even that of statin drugs causing liver damage.

Still, what I discovered wasn't something I wanted to learn. I knew there was a good reason for my adamant refusal to take any medications unless absolutely necessary. This time was such a case, but it still 'gives me pause'.

The best part though was when I pointed out [again] my reasons for refusing supplements. I reiterated how the vitamin and supplement industries are not regulated. How they are not required to show proof of safety or efficacy claims of their product(s). You can't even be certain the contents listed on a typical vitamin or supplement bottle, are actually contained in the bottle, although there are at least some protections in that regard, except they come under the purview of the FTC, not the FDA.

At least the dangers of taking over the counter medications are well documented.

Her response was even more bizarre than the last.
For research read the labels and then read about the ingredients and what effect each has. No need to be here looking for words and proof.  Silly actually.

As with the general supplement world, Generic Drugs are in the same boat.   A good doctor will tell you this and there is also years of reviews on this issue.  Interested? Look it up.

Might be best to write less and read better source material.

Silly to be looking for proof! There is no regulation of the generic drug industry? Really?

Certainly the free market system has its problems, even a regulated one. There is no accounting for unscrupulous individuals, companies, or even countries, but classifying generic drugs the same as vitamins and supplements, shows a definite lack of knowledge.

But then when she suggested I should read better sourced material (by that I assumed she meant material that supports her beliefs), I realized trying to reason with this person wasn't worth the effort anymore.

Of course, you're all free to draw your own conclusions (you already know mine), and please feel free to send me any research or proof which may debunk my beliefs. I don't view looking for proof as being silly.


Alan said…
Boy, that reader is pretty scary. She should know that while Nicotinic acid does lower cholesterol, there is no evidence that it reduces heart disease.

The liver toxicity of statins is so low that it is no longer recommended that routine liver function test be obtained. There isn't a single case report of cirrhosis of the liver or liver failure from statins.

Of course generic drugs are regulated, just the same as non generics. (Of course this might change if the FDA is de-funded as some politicians don't believe in regulation).
Marc said…
Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, based on the NY Times article, it sounds like niacin doesn't lower cholesterol. It just raises HDL. It sounds like niacin may actually increase the likelihood of a heart attack.

Is that the way you read thst?
Marc said…
One other thing, I find it curious there wasn't a study comparing niacin alone with a statin alone.

Just because niacin doesn't provide any benefit when combined with a statin, doesn't mean it won't provide the same benefit as a statin alone.

Of course, than I'll have the other issue of vitamins and supplements, but at least we might all save some money.
Rebecca said…
You know how much cough syrup you'd have to consume to have an impact on your liver?

Maybe she thought she spotted you at a rave party (you might have to google it). Cuz,sadly, it's all the rage with the teens to consume bottles to get high (if it has DXM).

I better not catch you at any rave party's, young man!
Alan said…

Generic Zocor cost $10 for a 3 month supply at Costco, so I don't think cost should be a factor.
I suspect they didn't use Niacin alone because the study would have been unethical. i.e. It is known that statins lower LDL by at least 40%. Other studies with Niacin alone show it lowers it about 15% and I'm not aware of any studies that show it prevents heart disease. In view of that how can they ethically justify withholding statins from high risk patients for purposes of a study?

Also keep in mind that Niacin at high enough dosage to lower lipids causes pretty severe flushing that many patients can't tolerate.

It is thought by many that statins don't prevent heart disease by lowering lipids but rather by some other effect i.e. anti-inflammatory properties. In a study adding Zetia (a non statin that lowers cholesterol by interfering with it's absorption) while the average patients cholesterol went down significantly further, the patients did not do any better than the patients with the higher cholesterols on statins alone. (This study measured carotid artery intimal thickness as a surrogate for heart disease).

Bottom line, this area is confusing but until it's better sorted out statins are the way to go.
Marc said…
Hadn't thought about the ethical ramifications. Maybe I've painted too cynical a picture of the pharmaceutical industry in my mind to have thought of that possibility.

I can also believe there is more to heart disease than simply keeping lipids low. My understanding is the body produces it's own cholesterol, so there must be some value for it. Plus we're all different, so one person's high could be someone else's low. In my case I think my MCL has actually inhibited an increase in lipids, which may have given me a false sense of security. (That seems to be a trend among many lymphoma/leukemia patients.)

It also sounds like a good reason to keep taking the statin drug I'm on now!
Marc said…
Oh, and Becky, you don't have to worry about seeing me at any rave parties. At least not for the foreseeable future. :)

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