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Showing posts from September, 2011

We've all been brainwashed

Admittedly it's taken me 63+ years, but after reading  James Altucher's latest blog post , I've become enlightened. Everything we've ever been taught, or told, our entire belief system, has been designed with one thing in mind, and that is to control our every action. It used to be religion was the only control mechanism (at least so I thought), but now that isn't enough. It's gone way beyond that. From the idea of home ownership and raising a family, to the necessity of getting an education. Even the design of our health care system has all been designed for one purpose, and that is to change the way we think, and inevitably control our very being and every action. It was L Ron Hubbard who said, If you really want to enslave people, tell them you are going to give them total freedom Think about it. Why is so there so much emphasize placed on the notion of getting a job, buying a home [with a big mortgage], raising a family, and building roots in a

Are things really that bad?

Catal Restaurant in Downtown Disney (Anaheim, CA) just called to cancel a beer dinner they were having tomorrow night, for Oktoberfest, that Edie and I had reservations for. I was told only one other couple had made reservations. Can you believe it? In a county of over 3 million people there weren't 26 other people willing to pop for 50 bucks for a 5 course meal, including all the German beer you can drink, at a top notch Orange county restaurant. And there's even free parking! What is the world coming to? That's never happened to me before. It just boggles my mind.

Talk about a bad week

First, my attempt at joining another bowling league on Monday was met with disappointment, as they already had enough bowlers. I knew that was a possibility, but I was hoping. Next, I discovered I had an infection in my eye, which on top of me not being able to wear my contact lens in that eye, is requiring an antibiotic and steroid treatment. Fortunately [or unfortunately depending on your perspective] I have monovision (I only look out of one eye at a time), so I should be able to cope better than most with one eye. It just isn't very comfortable. I'll know more this AM when I go for a bike ride. Then this morning, I discovered my bank charged me a $12 returned check fee because of an error they made in copying the routing number from a check I deposited using the Chase Mobile App on my Android cell phone. Hopefully that error can easily be rectified, but that will be the last time I use that app. One good thing sorta, I did get my Cruz bike back this week, but it wasn't

I feel the need to rant!

For starters, I hate people who refuse to get a flu shot, or other vaccinations for that matter. Some people think they are a conspiracy to make us sick. Others just think they don't work. That's one reason I stopped working. Two people in the office didn't believe they worked. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they think they can get the flu from a flu shot. And this is despite the fact they always got the flu (and still came to work). I get one ever year even though most medical experts don't believe they work on the immune compromised. Mostly I depend on others getting their flu shot to protect me. Fortunately I managed to avoid the flu this past season, and I'm hoping for the same again this flu season. So everyone PLEASE get your flu shot! If not for yourself, then for me. :) I also hate riding my bike in the rain. That happened yesterday, and I was not a happy camper. It wasn't raining when I started out, and I didn't think it was supposed to r

No vitamin D today

I awoke this morning to a bright flash of light. At first I thought I was imagining it, or maybe I tore a retina, but then I heard a long rumble which I determined to be thunder. I was relieved to say the least, but also a little surprised. I wasn't expecting any rain. I can't even remember the last time it rained here, it's been that long. At least now I have an excuse for not going on a bike ride today. Monday is usually a day off, but since today is a holiday, I was considering it. I'll just go with my normal routine, and go to the gym instead. The only problem is, it's going to be difficult getting my allotment of vitamin D today. While the threat of rain is supposed to dissipate by early morning, the forecast is for partly cloudy conditions throughout the day, which could make it a little more problematic receiving enough UVB rays necessary for Vitamin D production. Oh well, such is life. Everyday can't be perfect, and yesterday was a beautiful day. Hopeful