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Deja vu all over again

BIG SIGH! This seems to be an ongoing issue with me, that is how tough it is some mornings just gettin' out of bed.

And it has [almost] nothing to do with the state of the economy, or the tearing apart of the fabric of our society by some factions in our country, or even mine and Edie's illnesses. It's just becoming more noticeable with each passing day how everything I've come to accept and enjoy in life is being altered in ways I'm not happy with.

Sure there have been some changes that have been for the better, and have made our lives easier, i.e. computers, the internet, smart phones, wireless everything, etc. but those are just things. And the more I think about it, I'm not so sure the advent of the internet has been such a good thing.

I'm talking about things you can't easily describe. It's like how the dynamics of the bike club I started back in the late 80's, along with a few friends, has changed, and now the same thing is occurring with the bike club I ride with currently. So many of the people I was accustomed to riding with, are either riding less, not doing the rides they used to do, or are no longer riding at all. Yes there are new people, who I do enjoy riding with [and some I don't], but still it's just not the same.

It's how things have changed at work. Now that we've been purchased by this huge [public] conglomerate, it seems everything we do has come under greater scrutiny, and we're being inundated with what appears to me to be so many needless and useless requirements. We used to be one big happy family, operating profitably for years (and still do I'll add). I even enjoyed going to work. It's just not the same any more. A once cohesive unit now seems to be falling apart.

I see it in other areas as well. I see it on the road when I'm riding my bike. Drivers, in a hurry, purposely cutting off cyclists, so they can make that right turn just ahead, or to hurry up and wait at the upcoming red light.

It's noticeable in how easily people jump to conclusions, react without thinking, and as a cycling buddy put it recently, how easily people go
from zero to pissed off in 0.01 seconds.

While the vast majority of people don't fit into this mold, there does seem to be an ever increasing number who do. Fortunately I'm not one of them, always controlling my outbursts, and being courteous to everyone. [Most of the time anyways.]

Oh well, I guess if there's one thing that doesn't change, it's that everything keeps changing, but knowing that doesn't change how I feel. I should know, I felt the same way yesterday morning.

[warning]And please no comments about me getting help or taking some drug for depression. Sure I'll admit to being depressed at times. Who wouldn't with my circumstances, but that still isn't going to happen. Heck I won't even take Vitamin D or an Fe supplement, so if you think I'm going to take some drug for depression, you're sadly mistaken. I don't believe in them. And that's something that isn't going to change.[/warning]


Becky said…
You're just a little ray of sunshine! See you tomorrow.
Gerry said…
Well I still like riding with you, and I still do ride everyday but your right both clubs have changed and not always for the better. Maybe it has to do with the new faces and youth? Remember we are getting older and a little more senile every day!
The name and email thing is a pain, fix it!
Gerry said…
Just retire like I did and enjoy the time off!
Mark VanKirk said…
I agree, in fact, I used to have a scuba diving buddy, but he quit going.......

Now, My son is finally old enough to get certified and I think I am going to go in that direction. I can force him to go with me for at least the next 8 years. :)
Marc said…
You're lucky you have a dedicated dive buddy. As for me, I only do warm water diving, but CA diving is actually more fun. It's just a lot more work.
Mark VanKirk said…
Actually, YOU were my dedicated dive buddy that quit...LOL

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