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Most CT Scans are unnecessary

Most of you know, when it comes to the US health care system, I am not a big fan. Notably, it discriminates against the less fortunate, and in many cases does not work in the best interest of the patient.

I think the following article justifies many of my concerns, pointing out a huge flaw in the for-profit, fee-for-service health care model adhered to in the US, while highlighting the importance of being your own advocate, and approaching everything you do, especially regarding your health, with a bit of skepticism.
CHICAGO (Reuters) - More than half of patients receiving abdominal CT scans, an advanced type of X-ray, got them for tests they did not need, exposing them to excess radiation that could raise the long-term risk of cancer, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison team led by Dr. Kristie Guite studied 978 CT scans of the abdomen and pelvis done on 500 patients that were sent to the university to be interpreted. They used American College of Radiology guidelines to determine whether they were appropriate.

They found that 52.2 percent of the patients were found to have had CT scans that were unnecessary. The average excess radiation dose per patient was 11.3 millisieverts, about the equivalent of 113 chest X-rays.


Some patients got a lot more radiation than others. In one in five patients, the dose was 50 millisieverts, enough to raise some concerns about health problems, Guite said. Seven of the 500 got 100 millisieverts of radiation, a level known to raise the risk of cancer.

"At the dose seen in our study, one in 1,000 patients could get a radiation-induced cancer," Guite told the meeting.

"This could lead to up to 23,000 radiation-induced cancers per year," she said.

Dr. Louis Hinshaw of the University of Wisconsin who worked on the study said many institutions may be doing the extra studies for good measure, ..............

But he said it was possible some centers were doing the extra scans because they may get paid more for them.

and being as cynical as I am [when it comes to the US health care system] I might also add:

to help recover some of the uncompensated and under reimbursed care health care providers are forced to provide, and at the same time increasing the risk of cancer for those that have the tests, creating potential new sources of revenue in the future.

That's how free markets work!

NOTE: Some [all] of the women may also be interested in this article on Mammograms.


Becky said…
After John had cancer one of his requirements was to have a CT every year to check for cancer. He had an oncologist fresh out of school tell him that it wasn't necessary to do it every year as it increased his chance of cancer and that was over 25 years ago.
Marc said…
That's not surprising! 25 years ago, health care was more patient focused, and doctors were more idealistic. And despite the fact one doctor suggested it every year, he was likely doing it, based on what he thought was a sound medical decisions.

Now health care is in the hands of big business whose main focus is profits. Patient needs only come secondary.

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