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Are the antioxidants in green tea effective in fighting cancer?

There is all sorts of information in various print media and on the internet about the positive effects of the antioxidants, particularly Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in green tea.

But can you believe everything you read in print media, and/or on the internet?

There are certainly plenty of people around making claims about the efficacy of green tea and EGCG, while at the same time trying to capitalize on the supposed efficacy by selling vitamins and supplements containing EGCG. The supposed reasoning being, if a little is good, then a lot is better.

I for one don't subscribe to that theory, preferring to believe if you can't get it naturally, it's not worth getting. In fact I believe it was my mega-dosing on vitamin C, D, E and calcium which contributed to my contracting MCL in the first place. Now I refuse to take any medication, vitamin or supplement, even as benign as an aspirin, although I will admit to having taken an Advil or two, but that is about it.

So in order to get my dose of EGCG, I go to the Japanese supermarket and purchase Japanese (loose leaf) green tea, mostly Sencha, which is reported to be the highest in EGCG, but on rare occasions I do purchase Gyokura, which is a higher quality and better tasting green tea.

I will admit to having been drinking a considerable amount of green tea for many years since my diagnosis with little change in the progression of my disease, but during that time, I had been purchasing the least expensive green tea available in bags (40 bags for $2 at Fresh and Easy, or comparably priced green tea at Trader Joe's).

But in May of this year, spurred on by research a friend who was diagnosed with bladder cancer performed, I switched to purchasing the real stuff, that is loose leaf Japanese green tea, which I alluded to previously is reported to be the highest in EGCG [plus I have little faith in the quality of the green tea coming out of China].

And that's when I started to see some results.

Since April, I have seen a steady decline in my lymphocyte count, from approximately 100 thou/cumm (where they had been for about the past one to two years) to around 84 thou/cumm (reference range 4 - 11 thou/cumm) currently, which when you have a lymphoproliferative disease, could be taken as a good sign.

[note]These numbers are based on a six month moving average in order to reduce the influence of everyday fluctuations, and errors which are inherent in the testing procedure.[/note]

However, it's not all joy here in Mudville, as one not so great side effect appears to be a reduction in platelets [one of the first indications of bone marrow failure, so I watch it closely], which have dropped from around 200 in April to 172 (reference range 130 - 400) yesterday. [Also based on a 6 month moving average.]

I started noticing a very gradual downward trend in both the lymphocytes and platelets starting in July, but it wasn't until September that I realized something was happening. My lymphocyte count dropped dramatically to 62 thou/cumm, and platelets dropped to 158 thou/cumm.

At that point I started to get concerned, first thinking my spleen was malfunctioning (hoarding lymphocytes and platelets), but then I realized maybe it's the green tea.

So I decided to cut back on my green tea consumption, from about 4 to 5 cups per day to 3 to 4 cups per day, to see if there was a "green tea" effect.

Well, at first glance there appears to be a direct correlation. The next month my platelets climbed back up to 179 thou/cumm, and my lymphocytes climbed back up to 93 thou/cumm. I became a lot less concerned, knowing the drop in platelets wasn't likely the result of bone marrow failure, or my spleen malfunctioning, even despite the fact my lymphocytes did go back up.

The numbers did drop again slightly in November (lymphocytes down to 86 thou/cumm, and platelets to 171 thou/cumm), but I wasn't overly concerned. You can't put too much faith in one test, which is why I try to smooth out the results using a 6 month moving average.

Anywaze, after the blood test results in November, I gradually started increasing my consumption of green again, to an even greater amount than when I started. Instead of 4 to 5 cups a day, for the past couple of weeks I was drinking as much as 6 and even 7 cups a day.

And guess what?

My platelets dropped to their lowest level ever, 151 thou/cumm (172 using a 6 month moving average), and my lymphocytes dropped to 73 thou/cumm (84 thou/cumm based on a 6 month moving average), which excluding September of this year, hasn't been this low since March '06.

So now I'm faced with a dilemma. Do I maintain my current level of green tea consumption (5 to 6+ cups per day), and risk a further reduction in my platelets, or do I cut back again, and reduce the beneficial effects (a reduction in lymphocyte count) of the green tea?

Damn! I hate these kind of decisions, but at least it's good to know, anecdotally in my case, there is some truth to the claims of the efficacy of green tea. That knowledge, however, still won't make me change my mind about taking EGCG supplements.

[note]Oh, and BTW, all my other counts have pretty much remained stable this entire time.[/note]


Ed said…
very interesting. I guess a major problem is knowing exactly what else you might be doing or eating that can cause the drop in platelets
Marc said…
That's just it. There isn't anything else I'm doing differently. So it's either the green tea, or I have a malfunctioning spleen.

I prefer to think its the green tea, as the alternative is not good. Plus the results do seem to correlate with the amount of green tea.

But what I really would like to know is how far the platelets may drop if I continue taking the green tea in greater amounts.
Ray said…
Hello there. An Irish ALL patient here. Just stumbled on to this while looking for info on green tea and platlet counts. Been drinking Sencha Uchiyama- loads of it- and thick like soup- for around six months now. Found out about green tea/platelet problem from a doctor accidently yesterday. Told also that red wine can have a similar effect, in that it can inhibit platelet production. Think I'll have to go back to Guinness!! Seems to me thats it depends on your situation. If your count is really low- 10 or 15, then green tea is a really bad idea, but if the counts are well up you could "take a hit" on the platlelet count and still get the benifits. There are trails going on with a new leukaemia drug based on green tea extract so it can't be all bad. The Mayo Clinic are involved. Take care, Ray.
Marc said…
Hadn't heard about the red wine causing platelet problems. My wife and I drink a lot of that. I do like Guiness, but I can't drink more than one before I'm filled up.

As far as green tea effecting the platelets, I think you're right. My platelets have now seemed to stabilize in the 150 to 170 range, which is normal, so I'm not too concerned just yet. I have limited my self to 48 oz (1.4 liters) of green tea a day that's 2 grams of green tea for every 8 oz. Any more, and the caffeine starts causing my heart to palpitate, and I don't like that.

It sounds like you're taking A LOT more than that, i.e. "thick like soup". Do you get the tea for free over there in Ireland?

And if that is the case are you sure that's a good idea? I still don't agree with over doing anything. There is a delicate balance within the body, which if you upset it, can cause more harm than good. Read my latest post.

Just my opinion! Best wishes
santosh said…
i think green tea decreases platelet count. Green tea user must be checked platelet count.
Marc said…
Terry said…
I have CLL I was taking Green tea(EGCG) about 4 gm per day and my platelets also decreased so I decreased the green tea and as of my last blood test they began to rise again
Marc said…
I know. I talked about that in the post.

But since that time, my platelets have stabilized.

There is tremendous variation from test to test. You can't look at one test, or eve two, and draw any conclusions. You have to look for trends.

Best wishes!

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