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And I thought I was in bad shape

Well just to clarify, I am in bad shape. I may even be getting worse every day. I never really know for sure whether it's my MCL, the fact I'm 61 years old now (7 years older than when I was diagnosed), or just the psychology of everything that causes me to have so many ups and downs.

Still, compared to others, I'm not in too bad a shape for the shape I'm in.

Recently I learned a friend and cycling buddy of mine was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bladder cancer. Now after two unsuccessful operations to stop the spread of the cancer, he has to have his entire bladder removed. They can simulate a new one from his small intestine, so at least he won't have to carry a bag around with him, but it won't be the same as a real bladder, and there will be issues he's going to have to deal with for the rest of his life. Plus he'll be out of commission for 2 months while he heals.

Then I have another friend, [and cycling buddy], who tore a retina in his left eye about nine months ago, and to this day still can't see out of his left eye. He's had at least two operations to repair the retina, but there always seems to be some unexpected complication complicating things.

Now to some that may not seem so bad, after all he still has another eye, but for someone who has always been athletic [he was a professional hockey player in the '60's] all his life, and an avid cyclist like myself, being able to see out of one eye only creates many unwanted problems.

At least the doctors haven't given up on him yet, but he is in the last throws of the process, hopeful this will finally be resolved favorably within the next two months.

Oh, and then there was the consultant, who handled our workman's comp issues at work, who just died of cancer [can't remember the kind]. He was about 10 years younger than me, and diagnosed a few years after me.

So considering everything I've been through these past 7+ years, I shouldn't be complaining a whole lot, but I won't let that stop me.


Ed said…
we will know you are really in bad shape when you tell us you're going to stop complaining...
Alan Posner said…
We know it won't.
Becky said…
Carmelo first was diagnosed with testicular cancer. It was discovered after he had a check up due to chronic constipation. So fellas, file that away for future reference. I, for some reason, thought it was a young mans disease. When my husband had it at 23, his back hurt and they couldn't find anything wrong and thought he was looking to get out of work. which if you knew my husband kind of fits his MO. Carmelo's cancer then spread to his abdomen and liver. It was very aggressive. Every time they zapped a tumor another one would grow.

To be honest, most of the time I forget you're even sick, because you don't appear to be sick. You look healthy you eat right you exercise. You are very disciplined and you have educated yourself. I think your quick, proactive attitude is helping you. Work has been stressful of late, which is both physically and mentally draining. Don't spend too much time worrying about it, just keep planning your defense. Gooooooooooooooooooo Marc! (the best cheerleader impression I can muster at 1 AM)
Marc said…
Well Ed, that sounds like a good excuse not to stop complaining.

And Becky, while there are brief moments [very brief] when I also forget I am sick, I am quickly reminded, usually when I get dropped on a bike ride (although that can have more to do with age), but especially when getting up in the morning. Dragging myself out of bed, is by far the most difficult thing I do all day. No matter what, it takes me at least an hour to get the juices flowing enough just to function.
Gerry said…
Drop the old age crap! You riding better now than when I met you!
Now if you could just climb better..............
Marc said…
Yeah, maybe when you met me, but that was a long time ago. But you are right about one thing, I can't climb for sh&*$!

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