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Will power

When you love to eat, especially desserts, like I do, the absolute hardest thing in the world is to go without. Even limiting yourself is difficult, because you know, once you've had a little, it's so easy to rationalize having just that little bit more.

I know, because I've been there and done that.

When I was first diagnosed with mantle cell, I read an article by Dr. Arthur Robinson about diet and cancer, and decided the best way to combat my lymphoma, was to lose weight by decreasing my food intake, and increasing the amount of exercise I do.

It was going to be my mission in life to prove Dr. Robinson correct, and exercise and starve my lymphoma to death. It was difficult, but I did a pretty good job accomplishing that task. I lost 30 pounds [attaining a weight of 147 pounds], and I was riding and feeling better than ever.

But then a trip to France in 2003, to consult with a doctor there, as well as experience the Tour d'France in person, resulted in my gaining about 7 pounds. (The food in France is to die for!) Then a bad bicycle accident in November 2005, which kept me off the bike for about 3 months, resulted in me gaining another 7 pounds.

Ever since that date, I've been unable to get below that 160 pound threshold [fortunately not going above it either], not that I've been trying that hard. Don't forget, I love to eat. It's also one of the reasons [maybe even the main reason] I ride my bike so much, that is so I can eat as much and whatever I want. At least that's what I tell myself

But if you've read my previous post, you'll know I'm on that mission again. I've committed to getting back under 150 pounds, but I am finding it a little daunting, made even more so by all the temptations this time of year.

Last night we had Thanksgiving dinner at our niece and nephew's house in Granada Hills. There was turkey and gravy, cranberry sauce (my favorite), stuffing, green bean salad, etc., and dessert. Everything was very good. I'm just thankful there weren't any chocolate desserts.  Had there been, I'm not sure I could have restrained myself to the degree I did.

Still if it was only those special dinners that proved difficult to resist, I could deal with that, but even after having dinner at home tonight, I found myself tempted by those chocolate chip cookies, staring me in the face, in the kitchen.

It was only resorting to writing this post that has given me the will power to resist them so far. I'm just not sure I can come up with enough ideas, for more posts, to get me to my goal before the end of December.


Mark VanKirk said…
You are lucky that we were out of town because Lauren always makes that Chocolate Mousse Pie especially for you......
Six months ago I started a low carb diet which helped my sweet tooth and cravings a lot. I can now take one or two bites of candy or cookie and stop. (most of the time!) I started this diet because chemo and other meds left me retaining up to five pounds of water on my otherwise shrunken 155 lb frame. Water was gone in three days. Wow! Feel better with fewer cravings. I'm not hungry all of the time. Stay strong and good luck- Pat

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