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Reverse psychology

I usually don't like getting political here [health care being the exception], since that isn't the intent of my blog, but sometimes I just can't resist, especially when I hear a continuation of the fear mongering, I have been hearing over the past 7 years, by those seeking to gain some political high ground, and promote an agenda for their own benefit.

Such is the case with the suggestion by John McCain and Joe Lieberman, that Barack Obama must have ties to Hamas, since Hamas endorsed Obama for president.

Well I don't believe Barack Obama has ties to Hamas, nor do I believe the endorsement has anything to do with the idea Barack might be more open to diplomacy than John McCain, as Barack Obama indicated yesterday.

Hamas is simply applying reverse psychology on an American public not known to possess much common sense, nor the ability to easily discern the real motives behind Hamas's endorsement.

Just think about it, what better way is there to convince a person, or group of persons, who are in fear, or total disdain for you, to vote for an "item, decision or whatever" you really want, than to imply the exact opposite decision is what you really want.

Just like you would do with a child, or like in the T-Mobile commercial, where the wife always picks exactly the opposite of what the husband wants, after which the husband uses reverse psychology to finally gain the color of cell phone he wants, so is Hamas's decision to endorse Obama for President.

Hamas no more wants Obama for president, then the majority of Americans want to see $7 a gallon gasoline.

And why in the world would Hamas want Obama to win?  Obama wants to pull out of Iraq, which is the last thing Hamas, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, or any other middle eastern terrorist group wants.

Terrorist organizations thrive on fear, hatred, death and destruction. They don't do well when there is peace and tranquility in the world.

Were we to leave Iraq,

  • No longer would we be spending BILLIONS of dollars on an ill conceived war, straining our economy, and taking valuable resources away from education, rebuilding infrastructure i.e. bridges, roads, etc. and increasing internal security at home.

  • No longer would we be risking the lives of hundreds of thousands of brave, young Americans, and negatively impacting their lives with multiple and extended tours of duty.

  • No longer would we be straining our military, to the point when we really need to defend ourselves, we won't be able to.

  • And no longer will Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations have the perfect training ground, to learn and develope the best ways to fight and defeat Americans in battle, while at the same time killing hundreds of Americans at minimal expense, further straining the coherence and unity of the American public.

In other words, what better way to undermine the US and our way of life then to let us continue on the current path until we self destruct.

It's high time the American public realizes where the real threat to this country is coming from, and it's not from outside our borders.  The real threat to this country is from within, and until we recognize that fact, the fear mongering, and irrational behavior will continue, until.......

Well, I'm not sure I want to be around when that time comes.


Alan said…
Well said.
Becky said…
You are absolutely right. I think the fear mongering is just a diversion along with "will Britney get her kids back" and "Did Lindsey really steal that mink coat?"

Who cares. We should be outraged that war profiteers like Halliburton and their ilk are taking their headquarters to Dubai. And soldiers are losing their medical benefits because they were "never properly diagnosed prior to entering the military" and are being screwed out of much needed medical benefits. Or that we have to produce bills like the Hubbard Act to protect soldiers from being screwed from their own government.

It's just another diversion that some idiot will fall for. Like our co-worker who thought Obama was sworn in on the Koran! It was a Minnesota Congressman and the Koran formerly belonged to Thomas Jefferson! And who cares anyway?

Okay, I am officially riled. Are you happy now?
Marc said…
Yes I'm happy now, at least I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. :)
Mark VanKirk said…
You watch commercials?

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