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Showing posts from January, 2021

Stop the stupidity!

Rural medical center (in Georgia) suspended from vaccination program after inoculating school district staff. Give me a break! Trying to get kids back to school, while protecting teachers, bus drivers and other staff, is exactly what school districts should be doing. If they have vaccines, give them out. We should be giving out vaccines to all who want them, whenever available. Trying to adhere to rigid guidelines will only result in fewer people getting vaccines, resulting in the discarding of precious vaccines, and less protection for everyone. Of course we should be giving first priority to healthcare workers, and any other essential public service employees, such as policeman, fireman, etc. first, but when they're not around to receive shots, or refuse shots, then give them to anyone willing to take them. What I would have objected to is the medical center trying to capitalize on the pandemic to make a profit, from giving vaccines to people far down the list of recipients, but

Open letter to all Democrats

Stop the nonsense! Continuing to go after Trump, without any hope of getting a conviction, does nothing more than provide Republicans with an obstructionist dialogue (now that they have come up with the unconstitutional talking point) in addition to giving Trump much needed publicity, when we should be ignoring him. It's the pure definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result! Instead Democrats need to be laser focused on what is important to all Americans, i.e. healthcare, Social Security and Medicare, infrastructure reform, the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, to name just a few. And when you do talk about Trump, simply steer the conversation as to how the Trump administration botched everything, how Trump is responsible for the deaths of 400,000+ Americans, due to his inaction and the down playing of the pandemic, plus the deaths of 2 Capitol policeman during the insurrection Trump provoked and incited on January 6, 2021.

Do you believe this?

The Trump administration has botched the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccines so badly, now they are proposing to cut the Moderna vaccine dosage in half , to make it appear the US is vaccinating more people than it actually is, when in reality, fewer people will be protected.  There may be some evidence one full dose of the vaccine may be effective , but I don't believe there was enough information supplied for anyone to come to that conclusion definitively. Plus, there was nothing about the effectiveness of half doses. This will do nothing more then give people one more reason to distrust the government, and refuse to take the vaccine at all.  This is getting ridiculous, which brings to mind a quote from Admiral Josh Painter in The Hunt for Red October " This business will get out of control. It will get out of control, and we'll be lucky to live through it. "

There is a God

 Having seen all the destruction, poverty, and otherwise misery in the world, during my 70+ years on this planet, I had given up on there being a God a long time ago. But still holding out hope, I choose to consider myself Agnostic . Well, it seems I may have just gotten proof, in the form of a deadly virus, analogous to the great flood, which [supposedly] gave us Noah's Ark. There is no doubt in my mind, if it weren't for Covid-19, and the devastation it has wreaked on the world, particularly in the United States, Donald Trump would have easily won reelection, and continued down a path of destruction and devastation, not to be undone. There is a saying, which seems wholly appropriate now, the Lord works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform . It doesn't actually come from the bible, but can be loosely (very loosely I might add) interpreted from scripture “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the