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Showing posts from October, 2016

I used to be a bleeding heart liberal

Now I just don't care so much. My fiancee and I were talking last night about not understanding why so many blue collar, and lower middle class people, continue to vote against their own best interests by voting Republican. I can understand right wing evangelicals, who think the bible trumps the constitution, and want to create an Iran [middle east] style theocracy in the US, voting Republican, but why is it 77 of the 100 poorest and most government dependent counties, in the US, voted for Mitt Romney in 2012. Don't they understand they're voting to eliminate, or reduce, their government benefits, and make health care even less affordable than it is now? Are they so naive, they truly believe, if the wealthy are given more money, through tax cuts, the wealthy will give that money back to them and then some? Do they continue to think greatness is measured by how militarily powerful a country is, and how many other countries can be intimid