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Showing posts from April, 2014

Finally whole again

Well, I had to wait 5 weeks, but I finally had the cataract in my right eye removed. The surgery didn't seem to go as smoothly as the the surgery on my left eye though. I had a little more discomfort after surgery, and my vision doesn't seem as good in the right eye, although I checked 20/25 in both eyes when I went to see the doctor for my follow up appointment the next day, and things are improving. Not sure what I was expecting, as it's still a 10 fold improvement over what I had been experiencing, so I'm not complaining to profusely. It's hard to believe I went as long as I did without surgery. It's like I had been seeing everything in standard definition (SD) all this time, and now I'm viewing everything in HD (high definition). There's still about 2 more weeks of recovery, having to wear an eye shield at bed time, and putting 3 different eye drops, 4X a day, in my eye, but I think I can handle it. After all I've waited this long. What's ano

What do you believe?

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? What if it comes in the form of an anonymous email? Do you give it more or less credence? Or maybe you give it the same credence. I don't give anonymous emails a passing thought, even when they come from friends or relatives. If there was any legitimacy to a particular position or theory, the person responsible should be proud to put their name to it? Unfortunately, not everyone believes as I do. Too many people are easily manipulated by confusing and misleading logic, delivered by slick individuals, whose only goal is to deceive, enrage and frighten others into doing their bidding. But then again, if you equate the use of money to free speech, and believe corporations are people, vitamins and supplements are food, and the stock market is anything other than the equivalent of a rigged roulette wheel or carnival game, then I guess you'll pretty much believe anything. I only hope the next time you get some anonymous email, or re

12 years

I just realized my 12 year anniversary, of my diagnosis with MCL, has past with nary a notice. I usually commemorate that day (3/26/2002) with a post about how fortunate I've been to have survived so long, especially since I've managed to do so without any conventional (or unconventional) treatment, but as of late, I just haven't been that motivated to post anything. A few occurrences have come up that I could have written about, but that would mostly have been simply to fill space, and I didn't want to do that. Now that spring has arrived, and summer is just around the corner, maybe I'll be more inclined to post some innocuous thoughts, but for now, I'll just continue to lay back and bask in the realization that I've been through a great deal over the past several years, and I'm none the worse for wear. At least not too much! A friend once told me, I wold likely die of something other than my lymphoma, and it's only now that I'm beginning to rea