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Showing posts from January, 2014

It's truly amazing

I find it truly amazing that it was my primary care physician that had the foresight to send me to the ophthalmologist for evaluation for cataracts, rather than the optometrist I saw for evaluation of my rapidly changing eyesight and prevalence for infections. It's like I've always said, it's not the health care system that determines your quality of care, but rather the doctors. The only problem being there are good doctors and bad doctors, and it's not always so easy to determine which are which. Anyways, as a result of the visit to the ophthalmologist I've been approved for cataract surgery. It's just not going to happen as soon as I would hope. (I'm looking at early March.) Apparently there are few other people seeking cataract surgery as well. (And here I thought I was the only one with such a problem.) I find it hard to believe that many people are in need of cataract surgery, but I was also told there is a possibility I could get in sooner, as patient

Stopped taking the iron

Despite the iron increasing my hemoglobin, it didn't make me feel better. I didn't have more energy. I actually think I had less energy, and felt better when my hemoglobin was at 11 g/dL. (Of course the [cold] weather may have something to do with my lethargy as well.) Not only that, but it's increased my awareness of my spleen, and I think it's the cause of the increased occurrence of eye infections [inflammations, irritations, or whatever] I've been experiencing. I do have an appointment with an Ophthalmologist tomorrow, to see what he has to say about my eye irritations. I'm hoping I can talk him into cataract surgery, at least on my left eye which has been the most problematic, and I can eliminate the need for contact lenses, which may also be contributing to my problems. After that, who knows? I may start taking iron again. Stranger things have happened, but until I start feeling better, that's not gonna happen. This year is just not starting out as I h

It's not too late

It's that time of year again. It's flu season, and flu cases are  on the rise in many parts of the country . So if you didn't have the foresight to get your flu shot earlier, it's not too late to get it now. Get it before you become a statistic, and if not for yourself, get it for me, and others like me. Get it for those with compromised immune systems, who are more susceptible to contracting all sorts of illnesses. More importantly, remember to wash your hands frequently (it is likely the single biggest factor to reducing your potential for getting the flu), don't touch your face, especially around the eyes, refrain from shaking hands, without being impolite, and don't go to work if you're feeling sick. We'll all be better off for it.