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Showing posts from March, 2013

They're back!

And just when I thought I had solved my problem with spam comments . After eliminating commenting on all the "information of note" posts I had in my sidebar, I was spam free for over 3 weeks. But as in politics, the honeymoon didn't last long. The spammers have managed to relocated me, and are now commenting on all my posts. It hasn't reached the amount I was receiving when I first posted (about 30/day), but the numbers are increasing. I have no doubt the numbers will reach that same amount soon. Fortunately Wordpress has a great spam filtering program to weed out the spam, so my faithful followers (all 3 of you), don't have to be bothered by them, but the question still remains. WHY? Why do they do it? It makes no sense to me, but neither does so much else that is occurring in the world today. So why I am I so surprised. BIG SIGH! :(

Where do you fit in?

Here's a headline I thought interesting. U.S. millionaire count reaches 9 million Now whether you think the number of millionaires in the US (2.9% of the population) is relevant or not, you should at least be concerned by the fact nearly 90% of the population has a net worth of less than $100,000. (I wonder how many of those households have a net worth of $0?) I find that number very disturbing, as well as puzzling, considering the path many of our political leaders are trying to lead us down, and the number of Americans who support them. But what might be the most troubling is who is this Spectrem Group , why is it they know how much money I have, and what else do they know about me? Hmmm!

Remembering John Belushi

Just finished watching The Blues Brothers. I'll admit, it's not a movie worthy of critical acclaim, but it was still enjoyable 32 years after the first time I watched it. It's funny, quirky (some may even say stupid), and over the top most of the time, but if nothing else, it's a testament to the talents of John Belushi. It's also a reminder that some people die way too early.

2013: Not getting any better

I thought January was a bad month because I spent more money than I planned, but compared to what's been happening lately, I don't know why I thought that was even a concern. To begin with, Edie hasn't been doing that good. The drug she's been taking for the past several months, Carfilzomab , is starting to take its toll, and her neuropathy seems to be getting worse. She's having more trouble just getting around, and climbing stairs is particularly daunting. Then this morning I learned a friend, the person who built our back patio, and the husband of the girl I worked with for over 20 years, died this morning. He had gone in for, what I thought would be, a routine double heart valve replacement on the 19th of February. Unfortunately that just wasn't the case. He was on the table for about 8 hours, and on the pump for almost 5 hours. (By contrast, my entire operation lasted 3 hours 14 minutes, and I was on the pump for only 42 minutes.) It was then discovered on

And then the judge says

Finally my day in court, for jury selection in the sentencing hearing  I posted about to two weeks ago , was upon me. I arrived at the courthouse yesterday around 2 PM, had my parking validated, and then proceeded to the courtroom. I thought I was going to have to wait at least an hour while everyone before me was called in and questioned. Then, when it was my turn, I would be reprimanded for wasting the court's time, by not speaking up earlier about my views on the death penalty. Instead, too my surprise, within about 10 minutes of arriving at the courtroom, I was called in, along with 3 others, and we were all summarily dismissed. The judge thanked us for our service, even commenting about the onerousness of the questionnaire, and explaining how it is used to weed out jurors such as us. He ended by cautioning us against talking to anyone about the case, before we left the courthouse, and then added not to blog, Twitter or Facebook about it either. He claims he surfs the net. I sm

A Cure For Cancer? Eating A Plant-Based Diet

I'm not 100% convinced yet, especially after hearing terms like 'casein', "enzymes', or 'making the body more acidic', but the evidence sure seems to be mounting. From  Huffpost Healthy Living KF:  What exactly is so bad about animal protein? TCC:  I don't choose the word "exactly" because it suggests something very specific. Rather, casein causes a broad spectrum of adverse effects. Among other fundamental effects, it makes the body more acidic, alters the mix of hormones and modifies important enzyme activities, each of which can cause a broad array of more specific effects. One of these effects is its ability to promote cancer growth (by operating on key enzyme systems, by increasing hormone growth factors and by modifying the tissue acidity). Another is its ability to increase blood cholesterol (by modifying enzyme activities) and to enhance atherogenesis, which is the early stage of cardiovascular disease. And finally, although these are