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Showing posts from February, 2013

A colossal waste of time

Was called to jury duty today , and as anticipated, I was called for the first jury pool. And it was a doozy. It was a murder sentencing hearing. The guy's already been convicted, so I couldn't use my tried and true method of getting out of serving, which is the "innocent until proven guilty" approach. You see, I don't hold to that theory, since if that were the case, the person would not have been arrested, or even put on trial. There is obviously a presumption of guilt, or no one would ever face trial. Normally this part of the trial is handled by the convicting jury, but in this case, the original death sentence was overturned, so unable to come up with a way to nip this in the bud, I had no choice, but to succumb to completing a 30 page, 270+ questionnaire. I'm still feeling pretty good though, since I don't believe in the death penalty. All I needed to do is fill out the questionnaire, turn it into the court, and after a review I would be dismissed. T

It was the job all along

I'm beginning to think had I not retired when I did, I might not have made it to today. The other day I was having a conversation, with the salesman at work, concerning a problem a customer is having with some parts we manufactured. (I say we because I do still work [sorta], although for what they pay me, and how much time I spend, it more appropriately should be referred to as a hobby.) The customer was claiming the problem was ours, when, in my opinion, the problem lies in the way they heat treated the parts. Anyways, after the conversation, knowing I was a little amped up, I took my blood pressure, something I do quite often nowadays, and discovered my BP was up to 159/93. I was shocked, to say the least, and it wasn't until an hour and a half later, when I guess I calmed down enough, that my BP finally returned to within its normal range (118/72). When I was working full time, this sort of aggravating situation was increasingly becoming the norm, and was a contributing reas

Made some changes

It's been almost 3 full days since I stopped taking Metoprolol. I'm not yet convinced it was the correct decision, but neither am I convinced it's of continued benefit to me at this point either. My cardiologist told me I would be taking Metoprolol the rest of my life, something I wasn't delighted to hear, but he wasn't so adamant about it when I complained of fatigue which I attributed to the Metoprolol. So since there hasn't been any improvement in the amount of fatigue I've been experiencing, nor have I been dissuaded from the belief it is a limiting factor in my ability to increase my endurance, I decided it was time to quit. Plus, I'm taking such a low dose, 12.5 mg twice a day, any effects I may be experiencing, good or bad, could simply be a placebo effect. Still, while it's probably too early to come to any conclusions, I have noticed some changes. First and foremost being, it seems much easier to get my HR up when exercising, but without exc