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Showing posts from August, 2009

It looks official now!

This  press release was just posted on the Precision Castparts website PORTLAND – August 26, 2009 – Precision Castparts Corp. (NYSE:PCP) has agreed to acquire Carlton Forge Works (Carlton) and related entities for $850 million. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.............. It looks like a few people are going to make out pretty well. That's a lot of money! Anyways, the company I work for is the related entity. It looks like they were really after Carlton Forge Works, and got us in the bargain. Oh well, at least we got mentioned in the next to last paragraph of the release. I can hardly wait to get to work tomorrow to learn what excitement this release has brought.

Why can't it be all good news?

Got my latest blood test this morning, and as usual, there was good news, and bad news. The good news is my lymphocytes are still stable at just under 100 thou/mcL, and my hemoglobin actually increased to 12 g/dL, but [and there's always a but] my platelets dropped to 172 thou/mcL. That's the lowest they've ever been, and 13 thou/mcL lower than the previous low reading. Now don't everyone tell me that's still within the normal range (130-400 thou/mcL), because I know that already. I've also have read platelet counts can be lower if taken early in the morning (which I did today), but none of that is much consolation. In my case, a continuing drop in platelets is either an indication of bone marrow failure, or the spleen is traping the platelets [or both], neither of which is good, and both of which are indications for treatment sooner than later. It could have something to do with the green tea I've been drinking, but I've already cut back about a 1/3, si

I don't need a lot to be happy

I don't need a fancy car. My 1993 Lexus SC coupe still looks like new, and works just fine. I don't need a big luxurious house on a golf course or on the beach somewhere. My 1800 square foot home, 3/4 of a mile from Eldorado Park golf course, and 4 miles from the beach is quite comfortable, and I don't have the need to be traveling the world, spending weeks away from home, visiting exotic destinations. But sometimes, despite not needing some things, you want them anyways.  A new Mercedes Benz E Class Coupe is one such thing I would like to have, but mostly I want to go to South America and visit the wine country's of Argentina and Chile, and experience the eco tourism of Patagonia. The only problem is, a trip to South America would entail a minimum of 15 hours of travel time (each way), and 3 weeks away from home [and off the bike], two [three] things I don't relish. Plus I'm not sure Edie has her heart set on this trip as much as I do, as the trip to Patagonia

It's all good on the health insurance front

I went to the Veterans Administration hospital today to check and make sure I'm still eligible for VA health insurance. It's been about 5 years since I was there last, and since I was never notified about the distribution of new ID cards, I had my concerns. So I thought that would be a good way to check my VA health insurance eligibility. If they give me a new ID card, I'd be good to go. Well, everything went fine. The VA still had me on file, and took me right in to take a updated picture for my new ID card. They said I should be receiving it in 7 to 10 days, and probably sooner. So Edie and I are pretty much set. Edie will be eligible for Medicare in about 6 months, and as a fall back I still have my VA benefits. So matter what happens with health care/insurance reform in front of Congress now, or with the recent buy out of the company I work for, at least I won't have to worry about having easy and affordable access to health care. I'm feeling much better now.

Not even in my wildest dreams

was this something I was expecting. I've just been informed that the company I currently work for, has been, or is in the process of being sold to Precision Castparts Inc *. Now I managed to survive the last sale of the company, back in the early '90's, but I was a lot younger then. I'm just not sure I can handle another sale, especially one of this magnitude, at this stage of my life, and considering my condition. What if they decide the company is spending to much on health insurance for employees, or decide to change health insurers, or even worse, what if they decide not to offer health insurance to employees at all? And as if I haven't been having enough problems lately. Between the blood noses, lots of fatigue, and having trouble staying awake, especially during my 80 mile commute to work, I may have to consider applying for disability. On the plus side (if you can call it that) Mantle Cell Lymphoma, being a very aggressive form of lymphoma, is one of those ca

So far so good

Well, it's been almost 48 hours, and my nose hasn't bled once. I think there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. With the exception of last Friday, when I had gone almost 72 hours, this will the longest stretch, without a bloody nose, since this saga started 2 weeks ago last Sunday. I am still nervous, and hesitant to exert myself [raising my blood pressure], expecting blood to come gushing out at any moment, and alarmed by every drip of my nose, but thank goodness there is nothing. I'll know better tomorrow, as I plan on going to work. I have a customer coming in, and I can't leave everything for Becky to do. Hopefully I'll be able cancel the appointment I have scheduled for Friday, and go for an easy bike ride instead.

All fixed [I hope!]

Well I didn't make it to Thursday. Right in the middle of preparing for our AS9100 annual surveillance audit at work this morning, my nose started to bleed. Blood was everywhere. It was really embarrassing, and depressing. Fortunately we have a very understanding auditor, and a lot of good coworkers to pick up the slack for me, as I tried to get the bleeding to stop, and then call the doctors office. I wasn't about to wait till Thursday to get this problem taken care of. I was prepared to beg if need be. Happily I didn't have to beg. I simply explained my situation to the nurse, and she asked how quickly I could get there. I left work almost immediately, and headed to the doctors office. So to make a long story short, after an attempt at chemical cauterization didn't work out too well, plus some whining on my part, the doctor ended up performing an electrocauterization. [I don't know why he didn't do that in the first place, it seems the most effective, but.....

Nothing like some good food and wine

to relax anyone. Just got back from the Central Coast Wine and Food Festival at Wally's in West LA , and despite the fear of blood gushing out my nose at some unexpected moment, I was spared that embarrassment. Instead, I managed to enjoy some great food from the such famed names as Wolfgang Puck and Mark Peel, and some unexpectedly good wines from wineries I had never heard of before from the central coast region of California. All in all it was a good day! Now if I can just make it through till my appointment with the ENT doc on Thursday, I'll be a happy man.

Stress! What is it good for?

Nothing! I'm now convince the nose bleeds I've been getting are related to stress. Particularly stress at work (although there are few other things). At least that's what I'm hoping. This morning I went out for my usual Saturday bike ride, when I sensed another nose bleed coming on. It was at that point I realized I was thinking about work. I don't usually think about work on the weekends, heck, I don't even think about work much at work, but we are having a problem with a very uncooperative supplier, that is just driving me absolutely crazy. Plus we are having our annual AS9100 surveillance audit on Monday and Tuesday, which is always a stressful time for me. The nose hadn't started bleeding yet, so I tried thinking about something else. [Much easier said then done.] I managed to get another 2 miles down the road, when my nose started to bleed. (That's my 3rd nose bleed in 25 hours.) As usual, I got it stopped in a minute or two, and like yesterday, dec